Lower Limb Arterial Disease


Claudication is cramping pain in the leg induced by exercise. This is due to lower limb arterial disease or Peripheral Vascular Disease. Peripheral vascular disease is narrowing or blockage of the arteries causing reduced blood flow to the legs; as a result, when you walk or exercise your leg muscles don’t get enough blood and therefore oxygen so you may experience pain or cramps.


The most common cause of Peripheral Vascular disease is a build-up of plaque in the arteries this can be caused by smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.


The main symptom is intermittent pain and cramping in the affected leg or legs. It is intermittent because it is induced by exercise. The pain may be described in many ways, aching, burning, throbbing, dull or sharp. The most common location of the pain is in the calf; however, pain may also be felt in the thigh, groin or buttocks. This pain typically disappears if you stop walking or rest. In more advanced stages you may have pain in your foot even at rest.


Lower limb bypass surgery or stenting.

Where to find us

We're located at 118 King Street, Buderim QLD 4556

For all enquiries, contact us or Call us on: (07) 5453 4322